Suffolk 2045 has concluded another successful round of public engagement! Thank you to all who were able to come out to one of our three in-person open houses or shared their thoughts online.
The third round of engagement was designed to test ideas and potential direction for the plan. The open houses also provided an important opportunity for direct communication with the planning team and City staff. In addition to members of the planning staff and consultant team, staff from many City departments participated and engaged in conversation around the topics of transportation, economic development, broadband, public utilities, and parks and recreation.
You can see key takeaways from the open houses and recent online engagement on the Suffolk 2045 website’s resources page.
In the upcoming months, a series of City Council work sessions will be scheduled in order to provide the opportunity for Council discussion on key topics for the plan. You can visit the City’s website to see agendas for Council work sessions here and view sessions via video here. Keep an eye on the Suffolk 2045 website news and events page for other updates!