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Smart Growth to build a Diverse City

Join us at an upcoming Comprehensive Planning Open House to learn about the draft plan and provide your feedback on:

  • Growth area boundaries to help manage new development
  • Future land use map to guide change
  • Key recommendations to help shape the City’s future
  • Strategies to implement the comprehensive plan

Find us and give your feedback at one of the following Open Houses:

Hilton Garden Inn
March 13, 4pm – 7pm, 100 E Constance Rd, Suffolk, VA

Hub 757
March 14, 4pm – 7pm; 6801 Bridgeway Dr, Suffolk, VA

City Hall
March 16, 9am – 12pm; 442 W Washington St. Suffolk, VA

Registration is encouraged.

Can’t make one of the meetings? Provide your comments online from February 21 through April 8.

We look forward to seeing you there!