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The Suffolk 2045 Comprehensive Plan was adopted by City Council on December 18, 2024. A comprehensive plan is a tool to prepare for change. The plan includes recommendations for projects, policies and programs to keep the City of Suffolk a desirable place in which to live, work and invest. Community engagement is an essential part of the comprehensive planning process in order to yield an authentic, community-driven vision for the next decade. The process followed to develop Suffolk 2045 is outlined below.

The Process

From start to finish, the planning process for Suffolk 2045 spanned approximately 36 months beginning in January 2022 and concluding with adoption of the plan by City Council in December 2024.

Why should I participate?

To build connections…

The process will help to bridge between different areas and groups throughout the City. The update will help create a future vision for Suffolk as a whole.

To realize the opportunity…

The comprehensive planning process will shape the City for years to come. It's a rare chance to come together to think big picture about what Suffolk can be.

To share your insight…

If you care about Suffolk, you have important ideas to contribute. Your thoughts will ensure that this plan reflects the authentic voice of the community.

To seize the moment…

While Suffolk has a strong comprehensive plan in place, is has also experienced significant change. Now is the time to proactively address emerging opportunities.

Who is involved?

Steering Committee

Process, outreach, and experience.

A volunteer Steering Committee will help guide the process and substance for the plan. The group is representative of the City's many diverse perspectives. The committee also has an important role to assist with outreach and engagement throughout the process.


Targeted input.

Individuals with specific interests or expertise will be engaged to provide insight during the Suffolk 2045 process.


Critical insight.

Public involvement is vital to Suffolk 2045's success. Focus groups, workshops, and online tools will offer a variety of ways for the community to share their thoughts throughout the process.


Project management and local knowledge.

City staff will support and help to coordinate the work and will also provide local knowledge and expertise to each element of the plan.

Elected Officials

Advice and adoption.

City Council and others will inform the work and ultimately be tasked with adopting the plan for implementation.


Process leadership and expertise.

A consultant team will work closely with the Steering Committee and Staff to facilitate the process and share experience from other, similar communities.